Starpharma signs new DEP® partnership with Chase Sun

Starpharma today announced that it has signed a new research partnership with leading Chinese Pharmaceutical company Tianjin Chase Sun Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd. (stock code 300026; Chase Sun), to develop several DEP® nanoparticle formulations for an anti-infective drug. The agreement also provides for the potential to conduct additional DEP® programs, which can be across therapeutic areas beyond anti-infectives.


Quarterly Cashflow and Activities Report

Starpharma today released its Appendix 4C – Quarterly Cashflow Report for the period ended 30 June 2020.

DEP® docetaxel and gemcitabine combination trial commences

Starpharma today announced that it has commenced its DEP® docetaxel + gemcitabine combination study for patients with advanced cancers, including pancreatic cancer. Recruitment into the study has commenced at the Christie in the UK, with two further sites expected to open in the coming weeks.


AZD0466 trial opens MD Anderson Cancer Center as a site

Starpharma (ASX: SPL, OTCQX: SPHRY) today announced the opening of the MD Anderson Cancer Center as a further trial site for the phase 1 trial of AZD0466, AstraZeneca’s first DEP® product.

New Australian site opening for DEP® trials

Starpharma today announced the opening of a new trial site for the phase 2 DEP® irinotecan trial, at the Kinghorn Cancer Centre in Sydney. The DEP® irinotecan trial is also being conducted at multiple leading UK cancer centres including The Christie, The Royal Marsden, Newcastle Freeman Hospital, and The Beatson West of Scotland Cancer Centre. The Kinghorn Cancer Centre will also be opened shortly as an additional site for the phase 2 DEP® cabazitaxel trial.


Pandemic A Catalyst For Homegrown Remedies Says Starpharma Boss

The Age interviewed Starpharma CEO Dr Jackie Fairley about how the COVID-19 pandemic could be the much needed catalyst for the pharmaceutical industry to improve the way they convert important research into commercial products. Dr Fairley also covered Starpharma’s recent activities in response to the pandemic including, the development of a nasal spray product using the antiviral dendrimer, SPL7013.

To read the full interview click here.

Pandemic a catalyst for boosting commercial outcomes, says Starpharma CEO

The Age recently interviewed Starpharma CEO Dr Jackie Fairley to discuss how the COVID19 pandemic could be the catalyst for the pharmaceutical industry to improve the way they convert important research into commercial products. The article highlighted Starpharma’s recent activities in response to the pandemic, including the development of a product using its existing anti-viral dendrimer SPL7013.

To read the full article, click here.

DEP irinotecan boosts immuno-oncology in colon cancer models

Starpharma today announced its SN-38 nanoparticle, DEP® irinotecan in combination with an immuno-oncology (IO) agent (anti PD-1 antibody) showed superior anti-tumour activity and significant survival benefit in two colorectal cancer (CRC) models when compared to the anti PD-1 antibody alone. These results included improvement in both survival and efficacy in the particularly aggressive CT-26 CRC model.

The 7.30 report interviews Starpharma CEO Dr Jackie Fairley

The ABC’s 7:30 report interviewed Starpharma CEO Dr Jackie Fairley to discuss the importance of creating COVID-19 preventative products while the world waits for a vaccine to be developed. Dr Fairley discussed how Starparma’s patented dendrimer SPL7013 has shown significant anti-viral activity against SARS-CoV-2 (coronavirus) and how quickly a product using this ingredient could be brought to market given its approval and use in other marketed products.

Watch the full interview click here.

Starpharma CEO Dr Jackie Fairley on the ABC’s 7.30 report

Alan  Kohler recently interviewed Starpharma CEO Dr Jackie Fairley on the ABC’s 7.30 report to discuss the importance of developing other methods of protection against  COVID-19 while we wait for a vaccine. Jackie also discusses how Starpharma’s patented dendrimer SPL7013 is being developed for use in an antiviral nasal spray to prevent COVID-19 infection.

Watch the full interview here:

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