US patent issued for DEP® cabazitaxel nanoparticle (ASX Announcement)

Starpharma today announced that the US Patent and Trademark Office has granted a new patent in relation to DEP® cabazitaxel.

Starpharma to present at OTCQX Life Sciences Investor Forum

Starpharma today announced that a pre-recorded presentation by Dr Jackie Fairley, CEO, will be broadcast on Thursday 17 September 2020 (US ET) as part of OTCQX’s Life Sciences Investor Forum.

SPL7013 COVID-19 nasal spray virucidal against SARS-CoV-2

Starpharma today announced it has completed additional antiviral testing for SPL7013 against SARS‑CoV-2 in studies conducted in the laboratory of internationally recognised virology researcher, Professor Philippe Gallay, at the renowned Scripps Research Institute in the US.

Starpharma awarded $1M MRFF funding for COVID-19 spray

Starpharma today announced the award of $1 million in matched funding by the Australian Government’s Medical Research Future Fund (MRFF) Biomedical Translation Bridge (BTB) Program to expedite development and commercialisation of its COVID‑19 antiviral nasal spray based on Starpharma’s proprietary dendrimer, SPL7013.

SPL creates slow release soluble DEP® remdesivir nanoparticle

Starpharma today announced it has applied its novel DEP® drug delivery technology to create a long‑acting, water soluble version of remdesivir.

Annual report and full year financial results

Melbourne, Australia: Starpharma today released its annual report and financial results for the year ended 30 June 2020.

Nasal Spray Could Be A Preventative To Ward Off Covid

2GB radios Jim Wilson interviewed Starpharma CEO Dr Jackie Fairley to get an update on how Starpharma is fast-tracking a nasal spray designed to be used as a preventative measure in the fight against COVID-19.

To listen to the full interview click here.

Antiviral Nasal Spray Shows Potent Activity Against Coronavirus

Starpharma was recently featured in an article by Australian Manufacturing, a leading publication and resource for the manufacturing and industrial sector in Australia. The article noted Starpharma had undertaken a pilot manufacture for its SPL7013 antiviral nasal spray, which has been tested and confirmed to have potent antiviral activity against SARS-CoV-2, the virus that causes COVID-19. The article also highlightsed SPL has identified a manufacturer and are currently compiling documentation in preparation for regulatory submission.

To read the full article click here.

Tuesday Finance With Alan Kohler

Starpharma was featured on ABC’s  finance news segment ‘The Kohler Report’, where Alan Kohler highlighted that Starpharma shares had risen 23% following the Company’s update on its SPL7013-based antiviral nasal spray, which has shown to have potent antiviral activity against COVID-19. The update included that Starpharma has commenced confidential commercial discussions with related parties.

To watch the full report, click here.

SPL7013 nasal spray for COVID-19 – development update

Starpharma today announced progress with development, regulatory and manufacturing activities associated with a nasal spray for protection against COVID-19 based on the company’s proprietary antiviral dendrimer, SPL7013.

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