Starpharma’s DEP® platform is highly versatile, which means it can be applied to a wide range of therapies and types of molecules, including small-molecule drugs, peptides, antibodies, and radioisotopes. This flexibility has allowed Starpharma to extend its research programs and capabilities into the area of radiodiagnostics and radiotherapeutics.

Starpharma has a number of programs in the area of DEP® radiopharmaceuticals, involving both DEP® radiodiagnostics and DEP® radiotherapeutics.

DEP® HER2 Radiodiagnostic 

Starpharma's DEP® HER2 Radiodiagnostic is a pre-clinical-stage radiodiagnostic product designed to specifically diagnose, stage, and monitor HER2-positive (HER2+) cancers with greater sensitivity, meaning patients suffering from these cancers could be diagnosed earlier, more accurately, and monitored more closely during cancer treatment. 

DEP® HER2 Radiotherapeutic 

Starpharma's DEP® HER2 Radiotherapeutic is a pre-clinical-stage radiotherapeutic product designed to selectively penetrate and accumulate within HER2+ tumours and more effectively deliver radiation to kill tumour cells that may be unreachable by conventional therapies. 

Benefits of Starpharma’s DEP® technology in radiopharmaceuticals

Applying Starpharma’s DEP® technology to radiotheranostics has the potential to provide a number of therapeutic and commercial benefits, including:

  • Flexible size and structure
  • Enhanced tumour accumulation due to enhanced permeability and retention (EPR) effect
  • Enhanced efficacy through tissue targeting and retention due to specific receptor binding
  • Reduced off-target toxicities

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T: +61 3 8532 2700


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