In both preclinical and clinical studies, DEP® SN38 has demonstrated promising anti-tumour efficacy in patients with heavily pre-treated colorectal cancer and platinum-resistant ovarian cancer, as well as a favourable safety and tolerability profile.

DEP® SN38 represents a promising new drug candidate for companies looking to develop a treatment for platinum-resistant ovarian cancer and/or advanced colorectal cancers, which are both areas of unmet clinical need.

Target indications:

  • Advanced colorectal cancer
  • Platinum-resistant/refractory ovarian cancer

DEP® SN38 is a patented nanoparticle formulation of SN38, which is the active metabolite of the anticancer drug irinotecan. SN38 is approximately 1000 times more active than its pro-drug, irinotecan, but cannot be delivered directly due to toxicity and insolubility. Instead, irinotecan must be converted to SN38 in the liver, leading to significant patient to patient variability in efficacy, and the generation of toxic metabolites that cause significant gut issues, including severe diarrhoea, nausea and vomiting. 

DEP® SN38 achieves solubilisation and allows for direct delivery of SN38, avoiding the need for metabolic conversion of irinotecan to SN38 in the liver. As a result, DEP® SN38 achieves greater tumour targeting of SN38 while significantly reducing severe gastrointestinal side effects. 

In Starpharma's Phase 2 study of DEP® SN38, reports of severe or life-threatening (≥ grade 3) diarrhoea were notably absent across more than 100 patients enrolled in the study.

Patent filings: DEP® SN38 has patent filings to 2039 (plus up to an additional ~5 years).

DEP® SN38 is a clinical-stage product/candidate that has not received marketing or regulatory authorisation in any jurisdiction.

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