Shareholder Update March 2015

In this Issue:

› Phase 1 DEP™ docetaxel clinical trial update
› DEP™ docetaxel in the news
› Partner news
› Starpharma targeting key growth areas in Oncology
› Bacterial vaginosis: Prevention of recurrence/Symptomatic relief
› VivaGel® condom
› Corporate news
› Starpharma half yearly financial results


Download: Shareholder Update March 2015 (pdf file, 1MB)

Starpharma to present at March US investor conferences

Starpharma today announced that Chief Executive Officer, Dr Jackie Fairley will present at both the leading ROTH Conference in California and the ASX Spotlight conference in New York in the coming week. 

Starpharma presents at ASX Investor Series

Starpharma is presenting to more than 200 investors at ASX Investor Series event in Sydney.

 The ASX Investor Series is hosted by the ASX in conjunction with Finance News Network (FNN) and is designed to engage the investment community and bring together ASX-listed companies, investors and financial market participants.

Watch Interview Video

Interim Report and Half-Year Financial Results

Starpharma today released its interim report and financial results for the half-year ended 31 December 2014.


Financial Summary

  • Reported loss of $8.5M (Dec 2013: $5.6M)
  • Cash position at 31 December 2014 of $39.3M
  • R&D tax incentives of $1.6M reported in the half-year (Dec 2013: $2.6M)
  • Receipt of $4.2M R&D tax incentive refund
  • $20.5M net proceeds from equity placement and share purchase plan

Quarterly Cashflow Report

Starpharma today released its Appendix 4C – Quarterly Cashflow report for the period ended 31 December 2014.

Starpharma to present at Biotech Showcase

Starpharma today announced that CEO Dr Jackie Fairley will present at the 7th Annual Biotech ShowcaseTM conference in San Francisco this week. The Biotech ShowcaseTM coincides with the Annual J.P. Morgan Healthcare Conference, which Starpharma is also attending.

Japan VivaGel® condom launch timing impacted by classification review

Starpharma today announced that the planned launch timing of the VivaGel® condom in Japan would be delayed following a review of the specific category of medical device classification by the Japanese regulatory authorities.

Marketing Clearance for VivaGel® condom in New Zealand

Starpharma today announced the completion of the regulatory requirements to allow for marketing of the VivaGel® condom in New Zealand under the brand Lifestyles® Dual Protect™.

Starpharma’s Priostar® Glyphosate Patent Allowed in China

Starpharma today announced that the State Intellectual Property Office of China has agreed to grant a formulation patent for Priostar® dendrimers with agrochemicals, including with glyphosate. This will further strengthen and expand Starpharma’s patent portfolio for the use of its proprietary dendrimers in agrochemical products.

Appendix 4C - Quarterly Cashflow Statement

Starpharma today released its Appendix 4C – Quarterly Cashflow report for the period ended 30 September 2014.

This website is intended for people seeking information about Starpharma for investment and business purposes. This website contains information about products that may not be available, or approved, in all countries, or may be available under different trademarks, or for different indications. Individuals seeking information about a Starpharma product should visit the relevant product website in their country of residence or consult a healthcare provider. Nothing contained on this site should be considered a solicitation, promotion, or advertisement for any product, including those under development. Any information on this site is not intended to provide medical advice nor should be used as a substitute for the advice provided by a doctor or other healthcare provider.