AAP: Starpharma licenses VivaGel BV in Aust, NZ

"Starpharma is letting Aspen Pharmacare Australia market and distribute its Vivagel BV treatment in Australia and New Zealand for an undisclosed sum. Aspen will market and distribute the treatment for bacterial vaginosis, that's due to be launched in 2016, to clinicians and pharmacies. In return, Starpharma will receive royalties on net sales.

Starpharma still holds the commercialisation rights in the rest of the world."

Go to the article (external link)

Starpharma licences VivaGel® BV to Aspen for ANZ

Starpharma today announced the signing of a License and Supply Agreement with Aspen Pharmacare Australia Pty Ltd for the sales and marketing of VivaGel® BV in Australia and New Zealand (ANZ).

Interim Report and Half-Yearly Financial Results

Starpharma  today released its interim report and financial results for the half-year ended 31 December 2015.

Financial Summary

  • Reported loss of $10.0M (Dec 2014: $8.5M)
  • Revenue of $3.7M (Dec 2014: $0.7M)
  • R&D tax incentives of $1.8M reported in the half-year (Dec 2014: $1.6M)
  • Cash position at 31 December 2015 of $54.7M (June 2015: $30.8M)
  • Cash inflows of $7.2M from partners and grants, includes US$2.0M from AstraZeneca and $3.4M R&D tax incentive refund
  • Proceeds from completion of $32.0M equity placement

Targeted DEP™ shows sustained superior performance

Starpharma today announced the final results of the preclinical study of its HER2-targeted DEP™ conjugate, which achieved complete tumour regression at the last study time point of 120 days post dosing.

Appendix 4C - Quarterly Cashflow Report

Starpharma today released its Appendix 4C – Quarterly Cashflow report for the period ended 31 December 2015.

Starpharma raises $1.9M under Share Purchase Plan

Starpharma announced it has completed its Share Purchase Plan (SPP) having raised approximately $1.9 million. Combining the SPP with the recent institutional placement which raised $32 million (before costs); the Company has successfully raised a total of approximately $34 million at $0.73 per share.

The Age: Starpharma set for condom sales in China

"Starpharma has signed a memorandum of understanding with a Chinese company to make and sell its VivaGel-coated condom in China...The Chinese company is a major supplier of condoms to the Chinese government's Birth Control Department and Disease Prevention Department. The so-called government market in China requires about three billion condoms each year for birth control and disease prevention."

Go to the article (external link)

Share Purchase Plan Offer Documents

Starpharma is pleased to attach documentation regarding its Share Purchase Plan (SPP).

Starpharma signs MOU for VivaGel condom in China

Starpharma announced today that it has signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) with a Chinese company who is a major provider of condoms to the Chinese government.  The MOU outlines the key commercial and other terms for Starpharma’s partner to manufacture and sell a VivaGel® coated condom to the Government segment of the Chinese market.

Starpharma completes A$32 million placement - SPP to follow

Starpharma is pleased to announce it has raised A$32 million via a placement to domestic and international institutional, sophisticated and professional investors (“Placement”). Eligible shareholders will also have the opportunity to participate, at the same price, through a Share Purchase Plan (SPP) which will raise up to a further A$3 million.

This website is intended for people seeking information about Starpharma for investment and business purposes. This website contains information about products that may not be available, or approved, in all countries, or may be available under different trademarks, or for different indications. Individuals seeking information about a Starpharma product should visit the relevant product website in their country of residence or consult a healthcare provider. Nothing contained on this site should be considered a solicitation, promotion, or advertisement for any product, including those under development. Any information on this site is not intended to provide medical advice nor should be used as a substitute for the advice provided by a doctor or other healthcare provider.