Viewing stories from September, 2017

AstraZeneca presents first DEP® candidate as Bcl2/xL inhibitor

 Starpharma advises that AstraZeneca has this week presented its first DEP® candidate utilising Starpharma’s DEP® delivery platform,  AZD0466, at the 3rd AstraZeneca-MedImmune-CRUK Cambridge Centre Symposium 2017 in Cambridge, UK.

Starpharma reports positive phase 1 results

Biotech news and industry publication Biotech Dispatch covered the news that Starpharma achieved positive results for its DEP® docetaxel phase 1 clinical trial and will transition immediately into phase 2.

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Starpharma rockets on cancer drug hope

The Herald Sun noted strong investor interest and support for Starpharma regarding its positive phase 1 DEP® docetaxel trial and that no neutropenia was reported in any patients.

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DEP® docetaxel positive phase 1 results; phase 2 commences

Starpharma today announced that its phase 1 trial for DEP® docetaxel has achieved the key objective of determining a Recommended Phase 2 Dose (RP2D), with no reports of protocol-defined dose limiting toxicities (DLTs). The trial has now been adapted to transition seamlessly into phase 2, with ethics and regulatory approvals already granted, and recruitment and patient screening activities underway for this next phase.

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