Viewing stories from July, 2018

Starpharma: To win big in science, industry needs business-friendly scientists

The Australian Financial Review covered Starpharma CEO Dr Jackie Fairley’s appearance at the AFR Innovation Summit, noting she highlighted that the biotech sector needs more business-friendly scientists to help hit more ‘home runs’ in medical science.

Read the full article here (paywall).

Quarterly Cashflow Report

Melbourne, Australia; Starpharma today released its Appendix 4C – Quarterly Cashflow Report for the period ended 30 June 2018.

Starpharma CEO Dr Jackie Fairley interviewed by Alan Kohler for The Constant Investor

Starpharma CEO Dr Jackie Fairley speaks with Alan Kohler on online investor publication The Constant Investor, where she discussed the company’s dendrimer platform technology. To listen to fully interview, click here. (Note: paywall)

VivaGel® BV NDA advances to next stage of FDA review

Melbourne, Australia: Starpharma (ASX: SPL, OTCQX: SPHRY) today announced that the US FDA has completed its filing review of the VivaGel® BV New Drug Application (NDA), with no issues identified, and confirmed its progress to the next stage.

Starpharma CEO Dr Jackie Fairley interviewed by Alan Kohler on Talking Business

Starpharma CEO Dr Jackie Fairley speaks with Alan Kohler about how the company has taken VivaGel® BV from discovery to market and developed commercial products with its proprietary dendrimer technology platform.

To listen to the podcast, click here.

Starpharma CEO Jackie Fairley featured on Qantas’ inflight magazine Travel Insider

Starpharma CEO Dr Jackie Fairley was featured in Qantas’ inflight magazine. To read the article, click here.

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