Viewing stories from May, 2012

BRW: 9 Hot Tech Stocks

BRW Journalist Tony Featherstone profiled Starpharma as the #1 pick of the leading ASX tech stocks in his article, ‘9 hot tech stocks.

The Melbourne-based company is leading a pack of promising biotechs either in, or approaching, phase III trials for US Food and Drug Administration approval. Starpharma’s lead product, VivaGel, is being developed to treat bacterial vaginosis, where the normal balance of bacteria in the vagina is disrupted by an overgrowth of certain bacteria. If approved, VivaGel, a prescription product, would be applied daily to treat bacteria vaginosis and stop it reoccurring.

The Business on ABC TV: Interview with Starpharma CEO Jackie Fairley

ABC News’ The Business Presenter Ticky Fullerton interviewed Starpharma CEO Dr Jackie Fairley on Wednesday 30th May 2012. Ticky discussed Starpharma’s valuable platform technology.


 Read the Transcript (external link)

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