1 September 2024

Starpharma to present at Bio-Europe® conference

Melbourne, Australia; Starpharma Holdings Ltd (ASX: SPL, OTCQX: SPHRY) today announced that it will present at the Bio-Europe® conference in Munich which is being held this week. At the conference Starpharma will also be conducting partnering discussions for VivaGel® BV and DEP™ with pharmaceutical companies.


Bio-Europe® is Europe’s largest partnering conference for biotechnology and life sciences companies, attracting more than 4,000 attendees representing more than 1800 companies. 


Starpharma’s VP Business Development, Dr Tony Eglezos, will present in the Enabling Technologies conference stream, with the presentation focusing on Starpharma’s DEP™ drug delivery platform. Areas covered include:

  • DEP™ docetaxel which is currently in the clinic;
  • The recent AstraZeneca license deal; and
  • Recent positive results of studies utilising targeted DEP™ conjugates in an ovarian cancer model.


The presentation includes new data on targeted DEP™ conjugates where Starpharma’s technology significantly outperformed both Herceptin (Trastuzumab®) and Kadcyla® in an ovarian cancer model.


Targeted therapies for cancer such as antibody drug conjugates, combine targeting antibodies with conventional drugs to improve their performance. An example is Roche’s Kadcyla® which is gaining rapid market uptake since securing marketing approval; with the market for antibody drug conjugates expected to grow to US$9 billion annually by 2023.[1]


“Targeted products are of substantial interest within the pharmaceutical industry in the search for new and improved therapies. Data from Starpharma’s recent targeted DEP™ studies are proving to be of significant interest to partners and attendees of the conference.” said Dr Tony Eglezos, VP Business Development.


View Presentation: BioEurope Presentation November 2015 (pdf file, 1MB)

[1] Roots Analysis, Antibody Drug Conjugates Market, 2014-2024

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