14 February 2025

Investor Webinar Notification – Starpharma Business Update

Starpharma (ASX: SPL, OTCQX: SPHRY) is pleased to announce that it will host an investor webinar on Wednesday, 22 May 2024, to provide shareholders with a business update.

Following CEO Cheryl Maley’s commencement in January, Starpharma's CEO, Board of Directors, and management team have conducted a strategic review of the Company. During the webinar, the CEO, Cheryl Maley, will provide an update on Starpharma’s priorities moving forward and provide an opportunity to address questions from investors. Starpharma’s CFO and Company Secretary, Justin Cahill, VP of Business Development, Dr Tony Eglezos, and VP of Development and Regulatory Affairs, Dr Jeremy Paull, will also join the call.

Shareholders can submit questions during the webinar, but in the best interest of time, they are encouraged to send them to investor.relations@starpharma.com before the webinar.

Webinar details

Date: Wednesday, 22 May 2024

Time: 11:00 AM AEST (Melbourne/Sydney) / 09:00 AM AWST (Perth)

Link to register: https://us02web.zoom.us/webinar/register/WN_7OPr15-jSu680T4DlNxsIg#/registration


Starpharma will share a copy of the presentation deck before Wednesday’s webinar via the ASX market announcements platform. After the webinar, a recording will be available on Starpharma’s website, www.starpharma.com.


View/download the ASX Announcement: Investor Webinar Notification – Starpharma Business Update.

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